About Us

Have you ever wondered what happens to flowers you offer to your deity with so much devotion and love? The very next day, these flowers have to be dumped in trash. Since our religious beliefs don’t allow us to dump these discarded flowers with other waste, most of them end up in rivers and water bodies. If dumped in open, this floral waste produces toxic gases and degenerate soil quality. If dumped in water bodies, they choke organisms living in there and pollutes water bodies with pesticides.

Surprisingly, when we offer flowers at any religious place, not even once a thought comes to our mind that what will be the fate of these flowers soon after. Something so holy and auspicious, becomes environmental threat the very next day!!

TATTVA- Aromas of the Divine, was formed with a vision to promote a sustainable lifestyle. At TATTVA, we collect discarded flowers from temples and other places, sort and process it to make incense products out of them. At the same time, we value YOU, and that’s why our products are completely natural, organic and charcoal / Phthalate free, making it completely safe for you and your loved ones.

We are committed not only to upcycle discarded flowers, but we have a much greater vision to support all those who are working with us. We are making lives better by providing rural employment opportunities, women empowerment and sustainable lifestyle. We also care for gaushalas associated with us. This is our small contribution towards a better planet and by buying TATTVA products, you become a part of it.

Join Us to create a cleaner planet.

Why You:

We want you to become a part of our mission. By buying TATTVA products, you contribute to:

  • A cleaner environment,
  • Women empowerment,
  • Rural development &
  • a sustainable lifestyle.

(a division of Prakriti Divine Incense)